Rescue Rafts to Ukraine

On the 13th of June six rescue rafts went together with other urgent life rescue equipment in a transport executed by Volvo Defence and initiated by HUG (Help Ukraine Gothenburg) to Ukraine. The rafts are manufactured and donated by Safety Shore A-Miljö in Gothenburg. The design is made by Lighthaus Industrial Design/Zachau Design.

Zachau Design goes to Lviv

In April Hans Philip joined a convoy of ambulances going to Ukraine organized by HUG (Help Ukraine Gothenburg). 9 Ambulances with one driver each set course for Lviv and were delivered for further distribution to the front of war. Camouflage paint was added since the Russians aim for ambulances and the expected lifetime for rescue

Prototypes of Pansar Ladies’ Watch

Arrival of Prototypes to Zachau Design Here at Zachau Design we are not only welcoming the spring of 2023 but also the final prototypes of the women’s wristwatch DAY made in collaboration with Pansar Sweden.  DAY by Pansar should offer a three dimensional experience and encourage the user to enjoy it from different perspectives –

IAA Hanover September -22

Zachau Design visits IAA Transportation fair in September 2022. Concepts and Production EV:s were on display Einride appeared in an early verison. The same that we have seen for a couple of years now. Volvo Trucks on display All sizes of Volvo Trucks can now be found as EV:s. Everything from distribution trucks up to

IAA in Munich

Zachau Design visited the auto show IAA now transferred to Munich from Frankfurt and also updated being more of an electric transportation exhibition sooner than a traditional car show. Striking also was that the number of cars was reduced in favor of more bicycles and other EV:s of new categories.

Strange times – 2020

Strange times that we live in – 2020. On one hand you see pandemic crises where companies and individuals fight for their lives. On the other you see a stock market where new records are set. You see violence and brutality and people looking for law and order but also for a greater humanity and


“A Swedish tailor-made concept, representing ultimate state-of-the-art craftsmanship, combined with modern performance and driver” is how the p1800 SAINT concept was presented by von Braun Sports Cars just recently. The whole idea is to make a complete renewal of old Volvo P1800 cars with total update of the technical content, anything from rear view mirrors/cameras